Supported Programs include:
Educate & Elevate | Ohio Aspire | COABE
Program Highlight:
Educate & Elevate
Educate & Elevate is national campaign to move learning opportunities forward for all Americans to achieve economic and social mobility. If you are an adult educator, stand with us in this national campaign to help policy makers understand the value we bring to students, workers, and businesses in contributing to social mobility and economic growth. If we educate, then we elevate.

America is at a crossroads.We need every person in our nation ready to contribute to America’s competitiveness.
7.5 million
By 2020, the American Action Forum projects that the United States will be short an estimated 7.5 million private sector workers across all skill levels.
Adult Education makes communities safer too. Inmate participation in adult education reduced recidivism by 29%.
In contrast, adults with a high school degree were more likely to work full time and average 20% higher earnings ($30,000) well above the poverty line for a family of 4.
By 2018, 63% of all U.S. jobs will require education beyond high school.
In a recent survey, 92% of business leaders thought that U.S. workers were not as skilled as they needed to be. Adult Education builds the skills of workers.
of family literacy students reported a stronger home to school connection with their children’s education.
* data provided by Educate & Elevate’s fact sheet.
Program Highlight:
Ohio’s Aspire

Ohio’s Aspire programs offer free services across all 88 Ohio counties to help individuals build skills for post-secondary education, training, and employment. With flexible class times and locations, the programs provide basic math, reading, and writing skills, high school equivalency preparation, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and transition services for employment and further education. Additional offerings include life skills, computer literacy, workplace education, corrections education, and distance learning.

The Aspire program plays a crucial role in helping Ohio’s adult population earn a degree, certificate or other postsecondary workforce credential by preparing them for postsecondary education and training.
By the Numbers
Students were enrolled in Aspire Ohio’s adult education programs in 2023.
Percentage of Aspire Ohio’s Adult Education enrollees do not have a high school credential.
Aspire’s annual average aggregate of federal/state funds expenditure per Student.
Aspire students have achieved measurable skill gains of at least one academic level.
Aspire students earned a High School Equivalence Diploma.
Aspire students enrolled in post-secondary education or training.
* data provided by Aspire’s Ohio Fast Facts 2023 info sheet.
Program Highlight:
Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
COABE’s mission is to inspire educators so adults succeed and communities thrive. We provide leadership, professional development, advocacy, and communication services that encourage greater consciousness and cultural competency in our interactions with teachers, administrators, adult learners, and our partners. We are committed to using our platform and influence to celebrate, engage with, and listen to all adult education communities and diverse voices of our field.

COABE’s mission is to inspire educators and promote adult education and literacy through leadership, professional development, advocacy, and cultural competency, helping undereducated and disadvantaged adults succeed and thrive in their communities.
By the Numbers
of individuals entering the adult ed program with the stated goal of obtaining their high school diploma achieved that goal.
of HSE completers go on to higher education with a 90% rate of completion.
of adult learners are people of color. Adult education provides equity.
Average wage earnings increase by $9,000 for GED exam completers.
Average wage earnings increase by $10,000 for every 100 hours of seat time.
For every 400,000 adults who earn a high school diploma, the tax base increases by $2.5 billion, saving $200 billion in public support
* data provided by COABE’s Adult Education national fact sheet.